Water is a 'magic elixir'. A nurse recently said this to me during a quick conversation about the importance of hydration during pregnancy. Most of us know that drinking water is vital to our health, yet it tends to slip our minds to keep track of how much we take in daily. Why is it so hard? Most of the time, it's because we've been given the impression that we have to strictly stick to water to hydrate properly, when the fact is that consuming other fluids and some foods can help us meet that quota.
How Much Water Am I Supposed To Drink?
Usually, the first question people ask themselves is: What is the recommended daily amount of water? The traditional recommendation is to follow the '8x8 rule': eight 8-ounce glasses daily. The fact remains that people come in all different shapes and sizes with varying needs for hydration. Following the general 8x8 rule is helpful, but gauge yourself and how you're feeling. If you feel like you need more, drink more. Remember that other fluids, such as milk, tea, and juices, count toward helping you stay hydrated!
What Are Three Reasons Why Water Is So Important To The Body?
Water is essential for the body to function correctly. Most sources cite that the human body is comprised of about 60% water. The following are three main reasons why water is so vital to the body:
- It's an essential component that helps carry nutrients and oxygen and flush toxins and waste from our cells.
- Our major organ systems are dependent on water to function! From respiration to digestion, replenishing the fluids our body flushes out is vital to keeping things running in shape!
- Without enough water in our bodies, dehydration can set in. It doesn't take much for even mild dehydration to occur. This can drain the body of energy and cause feelings of tiredness. Signs and symptoms to look out for? A decrease in urination or urine that is more yellow than usual, cramping, constipation, headaches, increased thirst, and dizziness are just a few.
What Are The Health Benefits Of Water?
So, what exactly are the health benefits of drinking more water besides what our bodies need it for? The benefits are bountiful! For example, water helps boost your metabolism, allowing your digestive system to function as it should. It can also help you feel full when you drink plenty of water during meals, which can help support weight loss. Drinking water when the onset of a headache or migraine occurs can help alleviate the pain because dehydration is often the cause.
Finally, water also helps keep your skin hydrated, alleviating itchiness and flakiness and helping soothe the symptoms of skin conditions that often cause dehydrated skin.
So, bottom up and make a toast to nature's elixir!