The Products in Our Scabies Treatment Packs Work Together to Deliver a Powerful & Complete Solution.

Our Packs include the following:

Naturasil Scabies Treatment Soap

Use it to cleanse and disinfect the area of your skin infested by scabies mites.

Naturasil Scabies Treatment Bath Soak

A combination of essential oils that assist in relieving scabies symptoms, including itching and redness. This can also be applied directly to the skin for a more concentrated effect. A standard tub holds 42 gallons of water.

Naturasil Scabies Treatment Cream

After the bath soak, apply directly to the skin, as needed, to continue aiding in eliminating the scabies mites and helping reduce the redness and itching.

Mite-B-Gone Mite Killer Spray

From everyday household scabies to rat mites, bird mites, carpet mites, and more, Mite-B-Gone kills them all. It is also effective against ants and small spiders.

All of our Naturasil products are made from natural plant extracts. While other scabies treatment products use chemicals and potentially harmful pesticides to treat scabies, Naturasil is created with natural ingredients to ensure you have a reliable and healthy experience.

Our treatments use essential oils and various natural plant extracts, which are well-known for their effectiveness and have been used worldwide for centuries.

Are You Ready To Take Control Of Your Situation?

Scabies Treatment Starter Pack

The Beginnings Stage of An Infestation For 1

$110.95 $79.95

Scabies Treatment Family Pack (1-3 People)

Complete Infestation Solution for Up to 3

$314.95 $142.95

Scabies Treatment Super Pack (3-5 People)

Treats Prolonged Or Severe Infestation for 3-5

$471.95 $249.95

Are You Ready To Take Control Of Your Situation?

Scabies Treatment Starter Pack

The Beginnings Stage of An Infestation For 1

$110.95 $79.95

Scabies Treatment Family Pack (1-3 People)

Complete Infestation Solution for Up to 3

$314.95 $142.95

Scabies Treatment Super Pack (3-5 People)

Treats Prolonged Or Severe Infestation for 3-5

$471.95 $249.95


  • 1. Add 20 drops of Naturasil Scabies Treatment Bath Soak to warm/hot bathwater. Soak for 20 minutes. Repeat until the infestation has subsided. A standard tub holds 42 gallons of water. This can also be applied directly to the skin for a more potent effect.
  • 2. Use Naturasil Scabies Treatment Soap during the bath twice daily on affected areas. You will use it on your hands and other exposed areas as needed. Repeat until the infestation has subsided.
  • 3. Allow the skin to air-dry after the bath. Do Not Use a Towel. Once dry, apply Scabies Treatment Topical Cream to affected areas and between baths to help relieve itching.

REMEMBER: It is important to wash clothes, bedding, and towels daily in hot water with any scabies treatment plan to reduce the chances of Scabies re-infestation. We recommend using our Mite-B-Gone Mite Killer Spray to kill the mites in your environment.

**Before using essential oils or sulfur-based products, it's important to test a small area to ensure you're not sensitive to them. If you experience any reactions, stop using the product immediately and seek advice from a medical professional. If you have allergies to sulfa or sulfur-based products, it's best not to purchase this treatment as it contains sulfur. Always consult with your doctor before starting a new treatment regimen. Remember to remove any jewelry before use.

Scabies Treatment Packs Instructions, Tips & Tricks

English - Click Here

Paquetes de Tratamiento para la Sarna: Instrucciones, Consejos y Truco
Español - Haga Clic Aquí

A Note on Children Under 2: Naturasil Products are made from natural products generally considered safe for all people. It is an intense treatment. The American Association of Dermatologists states that scabies treatments are safe for children over 2 ( |10/2/2019). Still, young children tend to have more sensitive skin. Therefore, as a precaution, we recommend caution and spot-testing the skin for tolerability before using this treatment on children under 2.


  • 01

    Treat Your Self

    Although it might be simple, the first step to any good treatment is treating yourself for the infestation. Be generous with your treatment and follow the instructions on the bottle.

  • 02

    Treat Your Family

    It is very important to remember that scabies are transmitted through close contact with people, animals, and other things that also contain scabies. If there is anyone else in your home, they also need to be assessed and treated for the infestation.

  • 03

    Rid Your Environment

    This step is critical in the fight against scabies infection. While the rash might go away, scabies can still be living on your mattress, your carpet, your furniture, and your clothing. You must vigilantly clean and disinfect to eliminate the risk of the scabies re-infecting you or your family.

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Not Sure If This Is The Right Product For You?

  • 01

    Treat Your Self

    Although it might be simple, the first step to any good treatment is treating yourself for the infestation. Be generous with your treatment and follow the instructions on the bottle.

  • 02

    Treat Your Family

    It is crucial to remember that Scabies are transmitted from close contact with people, animals, and things that also contain Scabies. If there is anyone else in your home, they also need to be assessed and treated for the infestation.

  • 03

    Rid Your Environment

    This step is critical in the fight against Scabies infection. While the rash might go away, scabies can still be living on your mattress, your carpet, your furniture, and your clothing. You must vigilantly clean and disinfect to eliminate the risk of the Scabies re-infecting you or your family.

  • We Know You Have Questions. We Are Here To Help!

    What Are Scabies?

    Scabies is a condition where the human itch mite infests the skin. These microscopic mites burrow into the top layer of the skin, where they live and lay their eggs.

    How Did I Get Scabies?

    Scabies are usually spread by direct, prolonged, skin-to-skin contact with someone with scabies. Contact generally must be extended; a quick handshake or hug usually will not spread scabies. Scabies is distributed easily to partners and household members.

    Scabies are also spread indirectly by sharing articles such as clothing, towels, or bedding used by an infected person.

    Scabies can be found worldwide and affect people of all races and social classes. Having scabies does not indicate someone's cleanliness.

    What are the signs and symptoms of a scabies infection?

    The most common signs and symptoms of scabies are intense itching (especially at night) and a pimple-like, itchy rash. The itching and rash may affect much of the body or be limited to common sites such as:

    • Wrists
    • Elbows
    • Armpits
    • Webbing Between The Fingers
    • Nipples
    • Genitalia
    • Waist / Belt-line
    • Buttock

    The rash also can include tiny blisters and scales. Scratching the rash can cause skin sores; sometimes, these sores become infected by bacteria.

    Tiny burrows are sometimes seen on the skin; female scabies mite tunneling causes these just beneath the skin's surface. These burrows appear as little raised and crooked grayish-white or skin-colored lines on the skin surface. They are often found in the webbing between the fingers, skin folds on the wrist, elbow, or knee, and genitalia or shoulder blades.

    The head, face, neck, palms, and soles are often involved in infants and young children, but usually not adults and older children.

    Persons with crusted scabies may not show the usual signs and symptoms of scabies, such as the characteristic rash or itching.

    What Are Crusted (Norwegian) Scabies?

    Crusted scabies is a severe form of scabies that can occur in some people who are immunocompromised (have a weak immune system), elderly, disabled, or debilitated. It is also called Norwegian scabies.

    Individuals with crusted scabies have thick skin crusts that contain many scabies mites and eggs. They are highly contagious and can quickly spread the infestation through direct skin-to-skin contact or contact with contaminated items like clothing, bedding, or furniture.

    Unlike typical scabies, someone with crusted scabies may not exhibit the usual symptoms, such as a rash or itching. If diagnosed with the infestation, they must receive prompt, aggressive medical treatment to prevent scabies outbreaks.

    How Soon After Infestation Do Symptoms Of Scabies Begin?

    It can take 4 to 8 weeks for symptoms of scabies to develop in someone who has never had it before. However, it's crucial to remember that an infected person can still spread scabies during this incubation period, even if they are not showing any symptoms yet.

    On the other hand, individuals who previously had scabies tend to experience symptoms much sooner, typically within 1 to 4 days after exposure.

    Can Scabies Be Treated?

    Many products on the market claim to kill scabies and remove them from the body. However, not all of these products have been substantiated, so it is crucial to do research before selecting a product for yourself and your loved ones.

    Naturasil Scabies Treatment Packs offer a natural alternative to treating Scabies without resorting to harmful chemicals. Our system is designed to eliminate infestations at different stages and alleviate the pain caused by scabies mites during an infestation.

    Scabicides prescribed by a doctor to treat Scabies are specifically designed to kill Scabies mites, and some also destroy their eggs. However, some of these Scabicides contain harmful chemicals that can be dangerous. It is essential to use these products cautiously and follow the instructions carefully. Misuse of these products can cause severe damage to the body.

    Retreatment may be required with any treatment plan if itching persists for more than 2-4 weeks after treatment or if new burrows or rashes continue to appear.

    Products prescribed by a doctor to treat Scabies are called Scabicides because they kill scabies mites; some also kill eggs.

    These scabicides are frequently full of harmful and dangerous chemicals. Use caution if using these methods and follow directions precisely. Improper use of these products could cause severe damage to the body.

    With all treatment plans, retreatment may be necessary if itching continues more than 2-4 weeks after treatment or if new burrows or rashes continue to appear.

    Never use a Scabicide intended for veterinary or agricultural use to treat humans!

    How Long Can Scabies Mites Live?

    On a person, scabies mites can live for as long as 1-2 months. 

    Off a person, scabies mites usually do not survive more than 48–72 hours.

    How Can I Remove Scabies Mites From My Clothing, House, or Carpet?

    Scabies mites do not survive more than 2–3 days away from human skin.

    Carpets and furniture should be carefully vacuumed to remove dead mites, eggs, and excrement that could still be in the fabrics.

    Countertops and frequently touched surfaces should be wiped down with a disinfectant. Our BenzaRid Disinfectant is perfect for deep cleaning and disinfecting your home of residual contaminants.

    We strongly suggest using Mite-B-Gone Mite Killer Spray to reduce the chance of mite re-infestation. It is crucial to wash clothes, bedding, and towels daily in hot water, disinfect your home entirely, and, if needed, repeatedly use Mite-B-Gone Mite Killer Spray during treatment to kill mites.

    Items such as bedding, clothing, and towels used by someone with scabies can be decontaminated by machine-washing in hot water and drying using the hot cycle or by dry-cleaning. We highly recommend using our ElimiMite Natural Enzyme Concentrate in your wash to penetrate and lift the dead mites, eggs, and excrement from all your washable bedding, clothing, and other washables.

    Items that cannot be washed or dry-cleaned can be decontaminated by keeping them away from body contact for at least 72 hours. Scabies mites will die if exposed to a temperature of 50 °C (122° F) for 10 minutes. Putting the item in direct sunlight would also help assure that the mites have been killed.

    Because people with crusted scabies are considered very infectious, careful vacuuming of furniture and carpets in rooms used by these people is recommended.

    Fumigation of living areas is unnecessary.

    How Can I Remove Scabies Mites From My Clothes?

    Scabies mites do not survive more than 2-3 days away from human skin. Items such as bedding, clothing, and towels used by someone with scabies can be decontaminated by machine-washing in hot water and drying using the hot cycle or by dry-cleaning. We highly recommend using our ElimiMite natural enzyme concentrate in your wash to penetrate and lift the dead mites, eggs, and excrement from all your washable bedding, clothing, and other washables. 

    Items that cannot be washed or dry-cleaned can be decontaminated by removing them from any body contact for at least 72 hours.

    Did I Get Scabies From My Pet? Can I Give It To My Pet?

    No, to both questions.

    Animals do not spread human scabies. Pets can become infested with a different kind of scabies mite that does not survive or reproduce on humans but causes "mange" in animals. If an animal with "mange" has close contact with a person, the animal mite can get under the person's skin and cause temporary itching and irritation. However, the animal mite cannot reproduce on a person and will die on its own in a couple of days.

    Although the person does not need to be treated, the animal should be treated because its mites can continue to burrow into the person's skin and cause symptoms until the animal has been treated successfully. We recommend our Naturasil Pet Mange to help alleviate your pet's mange and clear up their infestation.


    SCABIES is estimated to INFECT over 300 million humans worldwide each year, including 1 million people in the United States.

    Learn More From Our Founder About Scabies Cures And Our Treatment Packs



    Try Naturasil's Scabies Treatment Packs for 33 days; if it doesn't work, you'll get your money back! There's no risk in giving it a try.

    With our guarantee, there is no reason to wait for symptoms to get worse daily or deal with insatiable itching and sleepless nights. Your scabies will only get worse with time. As symptoms worsen, the risk of spreading scabies to loved ones and coworkers increases dramatically.





    What Our Customers Have To Say


    "This soap helped with the itch from my scabies. There was a slight silver scent. Not sure what the sweetness is but the price was worth It. Helpful."


    "I used the scabies relief set and within two days I had relief. Within one week all the itching has pretty much gone. I will continue to use it for the prescribed amount of time but this is a great product and it really works. You won't be disappointed."


    "Pleased to inform you that the dispensary works every time! It’s the closest thing to Ivermectin but natural! We’ve had scabies 4x this year as a family and your products are fantastic! Keep up the great work! Thank you!" 


    "I am in total amazement that this product works better than they even attested on their site. I am grateful and thankful. I had a very unusual and serious case of scabies that is rare. This stuff works and my skin actually loves the natural oils and ingredients. Thanks again. It gave me back my life." 


    "I purchased a jacket in a local department store and got scabies from it. In spite of being very diligent to overcome the problem, it was reappearing. I found Naturasil BenzaRid online. I tossed out the foam cooling mattress cover, and I sprayed the mattress with Benzarid. After that ( I also retreated myself with a creme the doctor prescribed)... the issue resolved. This product really works! I do recommend it." 


    "I could not believe how fast this worked! I used a doctor-prescribed lotion and it did nothing to get rid of these mites! Using this soap with the bath products gave me immediate relief and after a few days, the mites were gone."   


    "The tea tree oil smells so sweet I'd use it anytime, and the bar of lavender soap, just slightly gritty in a nice way, is great too.- Makes me feel really good both before and after the bath. And it's not at all slippery getting out from the tub." 


    "I used this product right away, it was such a relief (scabies are definitely no fun). After two or three days, I felt cured but continued two or three other days just to make sure. A month later, I can tell it worked completely, no other scabies insight. Such a relief, thank you."  


    "This is the only product that has solved my itchy dry skin issues. Even my Doctor's prescriptions were not working. I wash my neck area where it's worst and right away my skin was better after a month neck area is completely healed."  

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